Tap on the diamond in the bottom right of your screen to see what you get with your Basic subscription.

Step 1 (of 2): Create a Free subscription (no password required)

You'll first need a Free subscription before upgrading. Don't have one yet? Tap the floating button (with the gem icon) in the bottom right of the view to get it.

When signed up, you should be able to access this checklist for completing your SEP reports quickly and easily. If you can't read the content, log in.

Step 2 (of 2): Use your upgrade to get a Basic subscription at no cost

Upgrade immediately, at no cost, using this link.

The above method requires a payment card, but you will not be charged for your Education upgrade. This complimentary Basic subscription upgrade will be valid until the end of your program.

Your organization, as our Education Partner, is providing you with access to the paid Basic subscription. Send your program facilitators kudos for their hard work arranging for you to get the resources to make your business succeed!

Use the page linked below to place a request to be upgraded, if you don't have a payment method.

Subscription upgrade request for Education Partners
Your organization is providing you with access to the paid Basic subscription at no cost to yourself until the end of your program. After, your subscription will revert to the Free tier.
Use this page to make an upgrade request if you don't have a payment method available.

Dog with heart-shaped nose in a screen, AKA the Majorcord logo.